Dating kai would include
dating kai would include

Kai only being nice to you. Ass grabbing in public. Walking his dogs at night. EXO exo dating kai would include exo texts Kai Jongin Kyungsoo dating kai exo funny kpop text. Kai exo jongin dating jongin exo k exo scenarios exo reactions kpop kpop reactions kpop scenarios. JavaScript is required to view this site. Originally posted by robertsdowneystark. You being his weakness. Defending each other in battles and arguments. Kai wanting to spend his life with you.

IMAGINE WITH LOVED IDOLS. EXO, BTS, got7 and SEVENTEEN imagines. A lot dating kai would include ships come in at once, so please be patient!! I might not get to answer all iinclude sent in but, i will try to kao the majority. DATING KIM JONGIN kai WOULD INCLUDE:. Dance parties all night. You sleeping on his chest and him running his hands through your hair with a small smile.
Sexy costumes for you. Telling him how good he looks in the morning. Him loving to hide his face in your neck. You getting mad because he would mock the way you moaned up for him. Him being such a gentlemen when taking you out. Barely any fights with this cutie. Gifts from all over the world. Wearing his clothes because he loves it. Walking his dogs at night. Taking care of children. Him teaching you dances. Ass grabbing dating kai would include public.
Talking to you for hours. Visiting him in the practice room. Kyungsoo honestly plotting to kill you. Subtile pda like holding your hand or hugging. Falling asleep together while trying to watch a movie. Over all the laziest, sexiest, and sweetest relationship ever. MY BIAS WEAKER KIM JONGIN… Enjoy!!

Dating Kai would include: He'd take forever to get ready in the morning since he' d always like to look goo for you even though he does that. Read» Dating KAI Would Include from the story TVD» imagines & preferences by -wwefreak (rip stefan salvatore) with reads. delena, tvd, imagines. i can. Dating Kim Jongin (Kai) Would Include: Other Members: Baekhyun |Chanyeol | Chen | Kyungsoo | Kris | Lay | Luhan | Sehun | Suho | Tao | Xiumin • super. -you're friends would be pissed. -but you'd bring out his good side. -he'd try to be all tough guy in the relationship but his eyes would betray his inner feelings.