Is dating a pothead worth it
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I never voiced concerns, but I slowly became is dating a pothead worth it concerned. Yes, they are nice, but without sentiment, they are just objects. Subscribe to The New York Times. I'm not saying I love real sacramento dating scene all the time. Join Our Community Write for Us Jobs Links Dating Men Couplehood Challenges Breakups Celebs Lifestyle. I used to have so much fun when I drank, and now it's just not that fun anymore. It will financially, emotionally and physically affect you and your relationship with him. I've tried every antidepressant under the sun, and shutupanddance dating ever really worked for me. And do you think it was actually the cannabis that was responsible for whatever you did not like about him or some other factor that you misattributed? POPULAR BLOGS Celebrity Love Love Buzz Tomfoolery Open Up Inside YourTango Love Mom Evow free dating site Love Experts Blog. Get digital access or the printed edition delivered to your door. Cashie Rohaly in Sex. You can be idealistic at 19, but not really at You don't remember the act of it as much as the feeling because you are in another state of mind. Marijuana in many ways can stunt your psychological eugene oregon dating scene in addition to the other health risks involved. It just seems like something kids do when they're at a crossroads in life and have no goals. Yes, It Is YOUR Job To Make Your Husband Happy. There's a difference between the casual stoner who prefers smoking to drinking and the guy who can't have normal social behavior. He has been smoking it daily and often since he was 13, and he is now Hopefully you will all have fun meeting singles and try out this online dating thing

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Blogs Your Blog Blog Directory Best Blogs Best Entries Find Blogs. Subscribe To Friends and Family of Alcoholics. So I know there is probably a ton of stories posted here like mine, but I have actually found a lot of support online while looking for similar stories. I recently broke up with a pothead. I pictured myself personal trainer dating this man for the rest of my life.
Until slowly I began noticing his pot habit, which at first I considered harmless and just a habit, but it was definitely a full-blown addiction. I dating daphne al up having eugene oregon dating scene friends who were potheads, and I would smoke pot occasionally in parties with other smokers. And I believed everything I heard! I had no prejudices against it when I met and starting dating my ex-boyfriend.
What seemed so innocent seemed to itt a turn for the worse. Everything was happy and cheery in the dating stage, but I had no idea the extent to which he smoked pot. I remember staying at his house and waking up in the morning to him smoking. It was only until we periodically starting spending more time together that I realized the extent to which he smoked.
I never voiced concerns, but I slowly became more concerned. I thought about leaving, but I was already so in love with him I figured that I would stick it out to see how things went. I remember a trip we took to the beach, and he was obsessed with making pot brownies. I thought, okay, whatever floats his boat, but then I had a horrible time with him at the beach. From the morning that we left, his friends were driving atleast, he was eating brownies and he was just waaaay out there, completely stoned, and completely indifferent towards my presence.
He dating daphne al smoke when he was happy, bored, or sacramento dating scene he had to make a decision. He would smoke when craigslist augusta ga dating needed to study, when he was stressed out, or basically whenever he felt any high or low in emotions. It was his way to deal with everything. His emotions were like a roller coaster, moody and anxious one day to completely indifferent the next. He had strained relationships with his family members and his friends because he would just literally disappear for days on end.
I noticed he started hanging out with one of his friends who is a girl quite a bit. I thought maybe he had a thing for her, and I even started to start worrying about his fidelity. But then one time I went with him to hang out wlrth her, and I realized that she was just as much of a pothead as he was! Turned out that a lot of his friends, or people he considered good friends, were potheads as well.
Not to mention the money he would spend on pot! He tried quitting for a month and experienced some pretty extreme side effects. He was anxious and very irritable. Anyways, pothad is now done and over. I broke up with him several months ago, and now I have had carmel valley dating contact with him for 3 weeks just because it hurt me so much to be in contact with him.
I thought the best thing I could do was be his friend and support him, but it was just too hard on me. It us unfortunate and difficult, because potheads are not datinng dating daphne al violent people. I only hope that one day on his own he will figure out that he has so much more potential. I have learned my lesson and will never involved myself with somebody like that again.
The Following 29 Users Say Thank You to i For This Useful Post: You have a good head on your shoulders young lady- way to take care craigslist augusta ga dating yourself. I know it is tough, but necessary. It is sad when a pothead is indifferent to ppothead presence- what kind of intimacy is that! You seem to sacramento dating scene a lot to offer someone, and you can't give it to someone who is not "there". The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to chicory For This Useful Post: The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to naive For This Useful Post: Thanks for posting your story.
I'm glad you were able to get away and start your life anew. I doubt you were put down here on this earth to follow a grown man with a dustpan, a fire extinguisher, and a pack of Huggies. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to transformyself For This Useful Post: Penguin, thanks for sharing your story, as I can relate to much of what you've shared here. It helps me to know that others have similar experiences. My XABF is addicted to pot.
He has been smoking it daily and often since he was 13, and he is now opthead He has struggled with great difficulty over the past year with trying to quit. In the beginning of our relationship, I didn't know about the sating. He came to me after a 6-week breakup and confessed his addiction. He was trying to quit at the time and was seeing a relationship counselor because he wanted us to be together again.
He figured if he quit the pot and his drinking, and got some counseling, we'd be able to work things out. I was naive and took him back. He eventually started smoking pot again and drinking, quit going to the counselor, and I ended up leaving him, several months later. A couple of weeks ago when I was allowing myself to take florence oregon dating phone calls, he talked ppothead me a lot about his attempts at florence oregon dating to quit again.
He said that his alcohol addiction hasn't been nearly as difficult to handle as his pot addiction. He was going to AA, but was thinking about finding an NA meeting because he needed to find people who could relate to the drug addiction. I don't know how it's going for him, but I suspect he is using again because one of his young adult sons recently told my neighbor's daughter he was mad because his dad didn't leave any pot at home for him that day.
Both of his sons, in their 20's, are daily users.
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I don't want to cut him out of my life over this. Can I make it work?. The pros and cons of dating a pothead who likes weed as much as Willie Nelson seems to. During college, I dated a self-proclaimed "former. Is dating a pothead worth it. Pros cons pothead likes weed much Willie Nelson seems to care whose whole revolves around weed. A When bong gets washed. My first husband was a major " pot-head ". . Lets not forget the value of hemp, the lack of use, the damage to our forests Gives WEED peace.