Dating a waltham pocket watch
dating a waltham pocket watch

Some of the more popular Waltham named grades were:. Kent View Profile View Forum Posts View Blog Entries Watcch Homepage View Articles. They wxtch in price from as little as a few dollars to a few thousand dollars so it is completely your choice as to what you can afford. I will document that the watch dates ca. You do need special tools and a good degree of knowledge, before you take on something like replacing a spring, or installing a new winder. No date was produced by inputing this no. Use our new crystal size guide to find the proper fit. Today, and in my opinion, it would be hard to find any product that would still work a hundred years later. According to page 49 of the "History of the American Watch Case ," Warren H. Thread Tools Show Printable Version Email this Page… Subscribe to this Thread… Display Linear Mode Switch waltahm Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded Mode. Dating a waltham pocket watch Pocket Watch General Information Thanks for visiting this website which as about the Waltham Pocket Watch and these antique watc We aim to walttham the community of watch collectors and enthusiasts by providing invaluable information in an accessible way. The watch was an jewel, 18 size, key-wind in a silver hunter case, and was produced in January of By the time you finish reading this article you should be able to pop open your Q Pocket Watch Dating a waltham pocket watch Join for FREE Keep track of your watches, notes, service records, upload photos, and use our value guide! There are still dating a waltham pocket watch few of what are termed mechanical models available, but they are few and far between. If you can tell us about or post a picture of the trade marks or pockte stamped into the waltahm back of the case, we may be able to tell you a little about the case material and its manufacturer. Click here to view additional historical photos of the Waltham factory.
Here you can read about Waltham pocket watches, find out where to find their serial numbers which will help you determine their value. Pages Home Privacy Policy Contact Me About Me Resources. Sunday, 6 April Waltham Pocket Watch Repair - Who and Where? Dating a waltham pocket watch of the most frequently asked questions is where can I get my Waltham pocket watch repaired?
The first question I think you should ask is, should I get my watch fixed? If you want to get your Waltham watch in good working order for sentimental reasons, then I would always go ahead and do that. If however you want to do that to increase the value, then you should have a good think about that. daing You Get Your Waltham Watch Repaired? An antique watch that is working is always worth more than one that needs some type of repair.
That would make you automatically think that it is a good idea, to get it fixed. The reality is that many of the Waltham pocke were produced in their millions and as such, they really don't have a great deal of value. That is unless the watch meant a lot to you, and you wanted it to work. In those cases, the investment is worth it to have something special that brings back great datch to you, and dating a waltham pocket watch you can then pass down through the family.
Who Repairs Waltham Pocket Watches? The easiest way to find out is to ring around a few local jewellers and just ask them. The chances are that you will find one, and that way, you can pay them a physical visit. In turn they dating a smoker health risks see what needs done and give you an accurate quotation. The main problem you will encounter is parts. If the watch was mass produced, that is really opcket a problem.
However if it is rare, then they can be tough to find. The good news there is that your watch will probably have a great deal more value. The actual replacement of the parts dating hoes not that difficult for someone who is a genuine watch maker. It is however something you should not really try to do yourself.
You do need special tools and a good degree of knowledge, before you take on something like replacing a spring, wafch installing a new winder. I am ok with doing some basic cleaning and have dating a waltham pocket watch replaced broken watch faces, but I shy away from the actual movements as that is the work of experts. Here is a list of some of the known experts: Girards in Michigan City Bank Antiques wtach Kent, Ohio RGM Watches Comptons Jewellers in Washington Olde Town Jewellers Santa Rosa California As and when I find other reputable Waltham watch repairers, I will add them to this da dating truths in 2009. If you know of any, please let me know and I will add them here as well.
Posted by Enda McLarnon at Advanced dating strategies to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. How Much Is A Waltham Pocket Watch Worth? I guess for many people that this is the 64 million dollar warch. You have in your possession a Waltham Pocket Watch, but wath just don't know what it could be worth. It is like many antiques in that if you don't know a great deal about them, then it is hard to know what value you have, and like anyone you are probably rather curious to find that out.
My first walthaam piece of advice is to keep your expectations really low. A common thought for a lot of people is that they maybe have something of really dating a waltham pocket watch value, but the reality is that in the huge majority of cases, the opposite is true. I guess it also depends on what you consider valuable. The simplest way to find out is to read the rest of this article, and dzting at least you will know whether to get it checked out, or dating a waltham pocket watch enjoy it for its antiquity.
Determining The True Value of A Waltham Pocket Watch If you pop over to eBay you will find plenty of these for sale. A poocket glance through those will quickly give you an idea of the real market value of these old pocket watches. So, if you think that represents a great deal of money, then you can probably get that for many of the watches from around that time period.
When I checked eBay in Marchthere were around 3, watches or parts for watches for sale. Please note that I said asking prices, as there were no actual bidders that I could see at the higher price points. These were for watches with 14K Gold cases and as such, the current price of gold, would contribute a lot to this higher price point. I don't in anyway want to dampen your enthusiasm, especially if you believe you have something of high value.
I think it is also important to keep what you can expect to get in perspective as well. The number one thing when determining value is always condition. A watch that is working will always sell better than one that needs repair. A watch with no scratches, no parts missing and with any type of supporting authentic material such as the original sale's invoice will certainly add value.
There are collectors out there who will buy pocket watches. They are on the look out for all types of antique watches like Waltham and Elgin. Collectors though tend to buy based on condition and that is why I stress speed dating elgin a working watch will always sell a great deal quicker. If the watch has any type of gold content, then simply based on the price of gold alone you almost certainly have some value there.
The other single thing that increases value is the year of manufacture. Watches from certain years are worth more than other years. Read this article on how to determine the year of manufacture of a Waltham pocket watch. Limited editions also tend to be worth more than those that were mass produced. Contact An Appraiser Now I know for certainty, that the only person who can give you an exact value is an appraiser. They are experts in this field, and ONLY when they have the watch in their hand, can they properly inspect it.
Checking eBay for a similar watch will give you a strong indication as to what a watch like yours may be worth. However, the only real way to find out is to have it appraised. That will cost you money to get that done. My advice would be to first check eBay and look for a similar watch.

Engravable, engraved, silver, steel, mechanical, wind up, pocketwatches, pocket watch, pocketwatch, elgin, hamilton, Waltham, Railroad, Swiss, Charles Hubert. Waltham Pocket Watch Grade Vanguard # Waltham Vanguard # · Waltham Pocket Watch Grade R.E. Robbins # Waltham. I have inherited a Waltham pocket watch from my great grandfather (). Engraved on the inside of the back case (I am not familiar with dating of pocket watch. Dating Your Waltham Pocket Watch. As you can see the date that your watch was actually made is important when you it comes to value.