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We are unable to find iTunes on your computer. To download the free app Love Lab by Master Matchmakers, get iTunes now. We verify your social media, email, phone number and photo by making you take a selfie that is instantly compared to your profile pic for likeness. To prove your age and that you slte who you say you are, you must pass a quiz that's generated using public record data.
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Love Lab ® is a self-verification service to prove you are who you say you are and there's When you meet someone on any of the popular dating apps, sites. Love Lab ® is a free verification app designed to improve your experience on any dating app, site or other places you date by giving you an easy way to verify. Love Lab is a new mobile app designed by Steven Ward, host of "Tough Love" on VH1 It serves as a complement, and a substitute, to existing dating sites and. Love Lab ® is a service agnostic, mobile dating platform that authenticates and proves a person's identity through a proprietary, multimodal biometric solution.