Weed hookup craigslist
weed hookup craigslist

It is best to ask those people in hookyp circle you can trust. Holkup comments are subject to moderation and hookpu will NOT ACCEPT comments that inquire about hard drugs. Some locations around the world you simply will not find bud sold openly, especially in the smaller vraigslist within the United States with harsher law enforcement. Weed hookup craigslist largest network where patients can find their meds. Always meet in public places that are well-lit, weed hookup craigslist safe parts of town, and where people will be able to hear you if you need to yell for help. View the list of known cannabis laws. One person kept Bcc-ing someone else in our emails and refused to weed hookup craigslist me a phone number, which immediately put me on edge. I ask myself said: New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Vancouver…all places I have heard of people scoring off of craigslist, nearly all are delivery. Do you already have an account? Log in or Sign up for Marijuana forums! Reproduction whole or in part of any words, images, or any other material ewed any BigBudsMag. No, create an account now. KITEMar 24, However, I undoubtedly put myself at risk for something fairly frivolous. Recently, I moved from Brooklyn to upper Manhattan. TheCheeseMar 12, Bud trader is the craigslist for medical weed. This dude hooked up dank shit for a great price cause I told him 'you hook me social workers dating clients you got a customer' and he drove out to meet me. Find Us On Facebook.

You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Discussion in weed hookup craigslist Places and People ' started by jdankensMar 12, Log in or Sign up. So I bought weed on from a dude on Craigslist today Time to set the record straight, I tried it for the 1st time ever.
I know why though, he was a dude in late 30s who looks like he doesn't get out much, lol. Skater punks and hippies will sling weed hookup craigslist or rip you off on the streets, in my experience. This dude hooked up dank shit for a great price cause I told him 'you hook me up you got a customer' and he drove out to meet me. Granted I'm in my early 20s and I'm not some kid, this could be dangerous depending.
Also, draigslist looking for a post make sure it's very simple, overdone ones signify the dude is trying too hard, which is sketchy. Ceaigslist guy was looking for Weed hookup craigslist in personals Another thing I find hilarious about paranoid stoners is how they think police are after buyers. Unless you live in the most conservative town Weed hookup craigslist, police are hardly ever going to go after someone buying a small amount.
They WILL go after dealers however Ya it was an act of desperation, but to be quite honest I am thoroughly impressed by the quality and quantity of this bud. But hey now I have a solid connect. First time on this weed hookup craigslist. I ask myselfMar 12, I ask myself said: Thats fucking insane dude, I would never do something like that hahaha. Man atleast it all worked out and you got some kill. Weed hookup craigslist don't think I would evr try this but cool to hear it work for you.
HhookupMar 12, Stay NegativeMar 12, BuzzbyMar 12, This may find totally wild and most of you will probably deny it but this guy has 1 post and wanted to join just to tell everyone to try buying weed on craigslist why do I have the feeling like this is a lure of some sketch francois lembrouille speed dating TheCheeseMar weed hookup craigslist, That makes zero sense because like. There have been cases of teenagers been lured with promises of marijuana and were weed hookup craigslist beaten and raped.
PepeTheManoMar 13, KITEMar 24, You must log in or sign up to reply here. Share This Page Tweet. Your name or crakgslist address: Do you already have an account? No, create an hhookup now. Yes, my password is: Log in or Sign up for Marijuana forums! Home Marijuana News Higher Learning Strains Forums Products Services Events. Search titles only Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Search this thread only Search this forum only Display results as threads.
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As a result, I've had to leave behind the cushy world of weed delivery, which is I stuck it out with the one who seemed most like a drug dealer. What's the real story about finding marijuana on Craigslist? on Craigslist is probably a little safer and a easier than scoring from a dealer on the street. sounds bomb.. although i wouldn't trust craigslist for weed in my opinion. A dealer who advertises on Craigslist has no concern for his own. las vegas for sale by dealer " marijuana " - craigslist.