Im 12 and dating
my 12 year old daughter is dating a 15 year old

my 17 year old daughter is dating a 21 year old
BeyondPain Follow Forum Posts: Hats Follow Forum Posts: I don't think a 12 year old should be dating, period. Cafemom Parenting Share This Datibg Parenting Lifestyle Entertainment News. Don't you think a baby sucking on a binky is sick; it is like sucking on a penis. When you're 15 aren't you in High School? Yeah when I was 15 I dont think I would even consider going anywhere near a 12 year old. Something is really off with this thread. But either way, that's a bit weird. They go to the same school and ad known each other for datong. Have you ever been sexually attracted to someone else? Not on my watch, buddy. I get that in middle school, going out is more of a group thing im 12 and dating the one-on-one, dinner-and-a-movie kind of date. Nov 26th, I read the forum heading a parents of teenagers not teenage parents:

CreateDebate is a social debate community built around ideas, discussion and democracy. If this is your first time checking out a debate, here are some quick tips to help get you started:. What if the love between a 20 year old and a 12 year old was pure and true. Would you allow your daughter to go with the guy and my 12 year old daughter is dating a 15 year old a life of love? Remember, this is true love and there is no selfish or bad intentions involved. I do believe that people at any age can experience true love.
I may be wrong. If you say no, don't you think it is selfish to keep someone from true love. The scenario in real life seems un real, but i believe that is can be possible. Remember that the guy is not in search of harming the little girl. If everything is pure, why not live together. I think life is about love, happiness, and freedom. Im 12 and dating will die first before I let my 12 year old daughter leave with a 20 year old. How is that pure? There are a lot of 12 year olds who haven't even gotten their monthly menstrual how does that make them old enough to know what that is?
I don't know if that is true. This is a hypothetical question but my 17 year old daughter is dating a 21 year old God himself tells me that this is true love between the two, then i would allow it. At first i would be highly skeptical. I never said that they had to have their mestual cycle to know what love is, but having a 12 year old daughter myself I can tell you that as for my child she will never let me say that again NEVER go with a 20 year old. I am trying to learn why.
Believe me this has been a huge mental stress to my head because it hurts me to think that this is not wrong. Can you tell me that i COULD be possible for a twelve year old to love? What if God told you? And maybe your God won't but this is a "what if" scenario. I do believe God created people and that he can people from the norm such as Issac Newton and Justin Bieber. Little children can sing great thanks to shows speed dating jura America's Got Talent.
So if all this wonder and awe from the norm society, you are going to still believe that little children can't experience love. Just because your daughter can't sing, does not mean others can't. So just because your daughter cannot love, does not mean others can't. The term is "can" and i think children "can" but we have not seen one Do you know why i ask these question over and over because you guys don't seem to answer it! You guys don't tell why! Tell me in your own words WHY oral sex to a baby is sick?
I won't do it to my future child im 20 years old and never been around children a lot so i really don't understand their mindset like you do. Don't you think a baby sucking on a binky is sick; it is like sucking on a penis. Or what about breast feeding. There are formulas for my 12 year old daughter is dating a 15 year old newborn baby. I got another question: I mean, i do think it is as sick as i thought it was. But i feel in my guts it is wrong and the other side of me does not know why it is wrong.
I am not saying that i will do it to my future child. If you don't give a "why" in your next response, you fail like everbody else in the intellegence level. And i mean that because you guys base your judgments on your feelings. I respect that you hate for a baby to have oral sex. But does not mean it is wrong. Do you think it is sick to eat Bull's testicals?
Nope, but we Americans we them: And we eat bugs. You may think it is sick but it is not wrong. First of all Does sucking on a binky like you say give you sperm? NO it does not. You have sick deprived minds out there that do things like this to hurt children, they enjoy masturbating a child and you don't see the problem in that? Don't give me that non sense about no my 12 year old daughter is dating a 15 year old answering the question because they are using their own feelings in this.
You are damn right I have a 12 year old daughter and it sickens me to know that people would want to do this just to calm a kid down when maybe a hug would have been suffix or food or changing their diaper or maybe just playing with them. I don't give a crap what anyone else thinks on this topic but I will say that all people who do this to children should be castrated or better yet hang them so the whole town can see it!
I'm usually all about "age is just a number" because my personal case. But this is too far, when I was twelve I wasn't even thinking about love. I was too scared to have my first kiss, and I still thought my friends would stay with me forever. Twelve is way too young to be in a serious relationship with anyone, much less a twenty year old who should thinking about starting to depend on themselves.
I'm sorry but there comes a point where a line im 12 and dating to be drawn between true love and pedophilia. Of course over here in Britain we now have this completly ridiculous "pedo scare" going around, there is even talk of parents not being allowed to enter a playground even if their otaku dating forum children are in it, if they wish to enter a playgound they have to take a test of some sort.
Oh no, hell no!! The guy sounds like a pedophile to me. At 12 years old, she should be thinking boys are yucky!!!!! My bad ma'm i wasn't thinking about my languge skills while i was practical uses of carbon dating but what i had ment was that i do find guys that are fit and in shape atractive but as for there reproductive organs it is a very different case. Again i say that i am sincerly sorry for my languge i had used.
I just meant I thought boys were gross till I was about 14 or so, my 17 year old daughter is dating a 21 year old I would have had my mouth washed out with a bar of soap, lol And thanks for coming back and being polite! You may not be interested in boys at a young age but how can you tell if others are not. I was into girls at a young age and i never fell in love. I think there CAN be love between two people.
I don't pedophilia is wrong because it is the sexual attraction to children. Have you ever been sexually attracted to someone else? But that is just it. And not just pedophiles. I think raping children is more worse than raping an adult. And someone who thinks otherwise, is not a freak. I hate when people call me a sicko. Maybe i shouldn't had posted THAT debate about the baby. But still i don't see it wrong.
im 12 and dating

Nothing wrong with that, but not everyone will agree. 11 is perfectly old enough to have a girlfriend - or at least it was at my school 30 years ago. That said, while. I'm not questioning that 12 is too young to date. I'm wondering if at PM. 16 was the rule for me for dating when I was young. same goes for my children. What if the love between a 20 year old and a 12 year old was pure and true. I won't do it to my future child (im 20 years old and never been. Looking for advice* my daughter Jordan is 12 (13 in April) and is in year 7 at high school. I am soo not ready to be dealing with this yet!!.