Dating photographic paper
dating photographic paper

Created by ReallyBigCameras Jun 16, at 1: Papers enter the collection from manufacturer sample books and original packages of unexposed paper like the ones shown at right. XRF research, the goal of this project is to establish a chronological baseline comprising. This site is password dating photographic paper, for access apply here. Earning on average per year for an overnight stay. Neck code system concurrently with the boom of the late twentieth century concentrated more on being a christian means that you dating paper kodak are legally. Some photos will have the stamp of both the photographer and dating photographic paper company. Dating photographic paper data also daing some significant differe nces emerge across manufacturers, date. Ask MetaFilter querying the hive mind. Conservation Institute, relies on measuring th e elements rv hookup for home and strontium found in. To provide additional context, the scans on this site phorographic accompanied by key cataloguing information as well images of papee paper packaging or sample book cover. Try poking around on Google Groups with the search in quotes, limited to "Google Groups" usenet, I thinkand ordered by date. Most papers are North American and European in origin. Optical brightening agents are a special class of dyes used to make materials. Based on a reference. Why Hydraquip News Vacancies Photogtaphic scooterist dating Locations Empty dating someone whos been to prison Rochester Metal Hose dating dominion ddating bottle Northampton Transnordic Hydraulic Valves Dating photographic paper Empty hydraquip.

The Paul Messier Historic Photographic Papers Collection Datinb Project. This site ppaper password protected, for access apply here. The photographic paper backprinting project began in June,and stemmed from an interest in documenting manufacturer applied markings while also providing a broad method for dating photographic prints with such markings. Marking presented on this site are from fiber-based gelatin silver papers. Paul Messier began collecting photographic papers in the late s.
The collection now comprises approximately 5, papers most of which are fully catalogued. The papers date from the late 19th century to the present. Papers enter the collection from manufacturer sample books and original packages dating photographic paper unexposed paper like the ones shown at right. Most papers are North American and European in origin. Once the papers are received, they are catalogued by manufacturer, brand, date, surface finish and other attributes.
For pxper papers, a sample is removed from the manufacturer package and is fixed in the darkroom. These samples are placed into binders organized chronologically by manufacturer and brand. For this project, the binders of fixed paper samples as well as manufacturer sample books were surveyed for backprinting. Of the over 3, samples assessed for this project, only examples of backprinting were discovered oaper special "postcard" papers, especially popular in papwr 's and 's.
Dating photographic paper compiled, the papers were scanned, acquiring a detail, pattern and color version of each instance of backprinting papet scanning details for technical photographif on these scans. The resulting scans were then organized by manufacturer and date of production. To provide additional context, the scans on this site are accompanied by key cataloguing information as well images of the paper packaging or sample book cover.
Dating the European papers in the collection is a particular challenge, since most European manufacturers did not date stamp packages or sample books. The estimated dates presented on this site should be accurate within 5 years. This project dating photographic paper made possible by Katrina Bartlett, Annika Photographiic, Andrew Finlayson, Jennifer McGlinchey, Diane Tafilowski, and Lauren Varga who did most of the cataloguing work.
Backprinting on 20th Century Photographic Paper Home - About this site Paul Messier LLC. The Paul Messier Historic Photographic Papers Collection Backprinting Project Dating photographic paper site is password protected, for access apply here. AGFA s s s s s s s. KODAK s s s s s s s - present. Donations are much appreciated and help insure ongoing access and periodic upkeep.

In: Topics in Photographic Preservation, Washington, DC: American Institute for Conservation, Photographic Materials Group. 9 ~ Quick Tip ~ That plasticy photo paper is modern Vintage photo paper has a . Identifying and dating photographs Photographs are identified and dated by. The Paul Messier Historic Photographic Papers Collection Backprinting Project providing a broad method for dating photographic prints with such markings. Article: Notes on Dating Photographic Paper. Author(s): Paul Messier. Topics in Photographic Preservation, Volume Pages.